Can’t agree on your home’s temperature?

That’s an energy squabble.

Fortunately, Zoe has an energy-efficient solution to help restore the calm.

Meet Zoe,
Your Good Energy Guide.

When it comes to energy efficiency, Zoe's got skills. Her mission? To help you save energy and money around your home. Wherever there's a squabble involving comfort and energy use, Zoe's ready with an answer—and even rebates and discounts—to keep everyone happy.

  • No one seems to know how the thermostat keeps changing temps.
  • Family members have taken to wearing parkas in certain rooms.
  • Someone “just happens” to flush the toilet when your shower lasts longer than 5 minutes.

Why Energy Efficiency?

Delivering energy to you—safely, reliably, and affordably. That’s our job here at Atlantic City Electric. Our energy efficiency programs are an important part of that work. Saving energy saves you money. It also helps reduce strain on the grid. That’s how energy efficiency benefits us all.

Learn More

What’s Your Squabble?

As our Good Energy Guide, Zoe's always interested in learning about the energy squabbles that go on in people's homes. Got a squabble of your own? Click below and tell her all about it.

My Squabble